
There are a number of options and properties that need to be configured correctly in order for shadows to render appropriately in r3f. Here is a list of what is needed:

  • shadows needs to be added to the Canvas element

  • castShadow needs to be added to any shadow-casting lights

  • castShadow needs to be added to any meshes you want to cast shadows

  • receiveShadow needs to be added to any meshes you want to receive shadows (along with making sure the material is capable of rendering shadows, mostly meaning no meshBasicMaterials)

  • shadow-camera-near and shadow-camera-far need to be set to reasonable distances, shadow-camera-near defaults to .5 and -far defaults to 50

  • shadow-mapSize-height and -width need to be set to set to a size that is a power of 2. Both default to 512, which should usually be a pretty decent value

In order to get shadows to work in 8th Wall, you need to make sure that the renderer's shadowMap.enabled is set to true.

xrScene.renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true

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