

Our apps are hosted either on firebase or vercel. marketplace, webar, webar/admin, and api are hosted on firebase. scraper is a Next.js app, hosted on Vercel.

We're using Vercel for Next.js apps because doing SSR with Firebase requires some tricky configuration to get a firebase cloud function to run Next.js - and even when that's set up, it seems to be pretty slow due to sometimes slow cold starts for firebase cloud functions.


Since most of our apps are SPAs, firebase.json is configured to redirect requests to paths handled by the client-side router to the index.html, so things like React Router (marketplace and studio) or the custom getSlugFromPath function (webar) can handle showing different data/pages based on the route.

API Hosting

The API is built with Firebase Cloud Functions, running and express server for each group of end points (/users, /pieces, etc.). Then we use the firebase.json file to set up a Firebase hosting app ( that redirects traffic to the functions, so we have a custom domain.


We current have two deployed enviornments for each app - production and staging. Each has its own Firebase project

Accessing Cloud Storage

User-generated files are stored in Google Cloud Storage, and accessed via Firebase. Each enviornment

You can manually

Env Vars

All client apps are configured with environment variables

You can log into Vercel with the Google email group. Here, you can

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